Illustrated by Jiro Endo
Illustrated by Jiro Endo
In the world of tea ceremony, there is a concept called "urban hermitage." It is the aesthetic sense of recreating the atmosphere of a quiet mountain hut within the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoying it. Ancient tea masters created environments using spaces and processes such as gardens and tea rooms, allowing people to detach from the everyday world and enter a profound world of beauty.
The art collective "The TEA-ROOM," which expresses the materiality and spirituality that make up the world of tea ceremony using contemporary methods, believed that in today's world of abundant, diverse sounds, instead of using the method of subtracting sound, they could explore the form of a modern "urban hermitage" by adding a large amount of sound, in other words, constructing a tea room of sound.
Over a period of nearly a year, they worked on creating the piece, but it was canceled two days before construction due to the pandemic. To not forget the events and thoughts of this time when the world suddenly became a temporal urban hermitage, they leave this record here.
茶の湯の世界を構成する事物や精神性を同時代的な手法で表現するアート集団「The TEA-ROOM」は、多種多様な音が日常的に溢れている音環境の現代では、音を引くことによる方法ではなく、逆に大量の音を加える、つまり音の茶室を構築することにより、そこからしかたどり着けない現代性を持つありうる「市中の山居」の形を探求できると考えた。
Illustrated by Jiro Endo
Illustrated by Jiro Endo
Designed by MINIMA 
Designed by MINIMA 
Designed by MINIMA 
Designed by MINIMA 


Super directional speakers, Hyper sonic speakers, Sound system, ALIFE Engine for generating dynamics, Aluminum trusses, Japanese papers
3,721(D) x 3,721(W) x 545(H) cm


Artist: The TEA-ROOM (Ryuta Aoki)
Producer & Director: Ryuta Aoki
Project Management: Keita Uno
Exhibition Design: Jiro Endo
Graphic Design: Takeshi Kawano, Sosuke Sugiura
Web Design: Takao Neko
Production Support: MINIMA
Sound System Design: Motoki Ohkubo
Software Design & Dev: Atsushi Masumori, Itsuki Doi, Norihiro Maruyama
Production Support: ALTERNATIVE MACHINE Inc.

Past Exhibitions

In order to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 and prioritize the safety of visitors, the “VOID SYSTEM” exhibit in the Center Pier Garden space of Chubu Centrair International Airport was cancelled.

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