
Ryuta Aoki | 青木竜太

Artistic Director / Social Sculptor
VOLOCITEE Inc. Founder & CEO
METACITY Co-Founder & Artistic Director
ALIFE Lab. Co-Founder
The TEA-ROOM Co-Founder & Artistic Director
ArtHackDay.jp Founder & Artistic Director
TEDxKids@Chiyoda Founder & Curator
I’m an artistic director and social sculptor based in Tokyo. With the theme of exploring "societies as they could be," I orchestrate research and development, art projects, conferences, and exhibitions, I create works of art as artist collectives, in the interdisciplinary field between art and science and technology.
As cities fall into a cultural deadlock due to over-adaptation to contemporary capitalism, I primarily select common materials from urban spaces and construction sites that symbolize urban development, manipulating these materials using emerging technologies such as bio-inspired AI and blockchain to create my works. Through not only exhibitions but also collaborative processes with researchers and local communities, I intervene in existing social systems, institutions, and people's preconceptions, attempting to reanimate cities. Drawing on the culture and philosophy rooted in the Japanese view of nature, I weave new narratives and possibilities into familiar landscapes, exploring societies as they could be.
Portofolio: English | Japanese