SOTOROJI #1, 2021

“SOTOROJI #1” is part of the SOTOROJI series of spatial devices that lead from the ordinary to the extraordinary, utilizing the modern social affordance of "seeing a QR code and scanning it with a camera," just as soto-roji (the outer garden,) in the chanoyu (the Japanese tea ceremony) serves as a space leading to a world of profound subtlety.
QR (Quick Response) codes exist as tools to efficiently guide people from physical space to the internet. With the spread of camera-equipped smartphones and the behavioral patterns of contactless interactions during the COVID-19 pandemic, humanity has acquired a new affordance of "launching the camera from QR codes." When presented with numerous QR codes, people naturally activate their cameras without instruction.
Up close, it appears to be just a mass of QR codes, but when viewed from a distance, an image of the actual outer garden emerges through subtle size variations among more than 100,000 QR codes. Through this work, installed at the beginning of the exhibition, viewers access QR codes and witness activities that have been pushed to the periphery of capitalism, becoming extraordinary in modern society.
- chanoyu (the Japanese tea ceremony) : It is a Japanese comprehensive art form composed of gardens, architecture, painting, calligraphy, incense, flower arrangement, sound, utensils, food, clothing, and etiquette. It is a traditional Japanese ritual deeply connected not only with Zen but also with other Japanese traditional performing arts like Noh and Kabuki. The TEA-ROOM, composed of artists involved with tea ceremony, reinterprets and expresses the tea ceremony using contemporary situations and objects.
- soto-roji (the outer garden): Tea masters admired the world of profound subtlety depicted in ink paintings and expressed this worldview in tea rooms and tea gatherings. Tea rooms, including their gardens, are designed to gradually lead into this world of profound subtlety. The garden path from the entrance (rojiguchi) to the middle gate is called the outer garden, where guests participating in tea gatherings brush off worldly dust, immerse themselves in the world of profound subtlety, and engage in higher-dimensional play.
《SOTOROJI #1》は、茶の湯における外露地が幽玄の世界へと誘う空間であるように、「QRコードを見るとカメラでスキャンする」という現代社会のアフォーダンスを利用して、日常から非日常へと誘う空間装置であるSOTOROJIシリーズの一つになる。
QR (Quick Response)コードは、物理空間からインターネットへ効率的に誘う道具として存在している。カメラ付きのスマートフォンが普及し、コロナ禍での非接触という行動様式と結びつきながら、人類は「QRコードからのカメラ起動」という新たなアフォーダンスを獲得した。大量のQRコードを目の前に提示されると、指示がなくとも人々は自然とカメラを起動する。
茶の湯は、庭、建築、絵、書、香、華、音、器、食、衣、礼で構成される日本の総合芸術ともいわれ、禅だけでなく能や歌舞伎などその他日本の伝統芸能とも深くつながる、日本伝統の儀式である。茶の湯にまつわるアーティストで構成されるThe TEA-ROOMは、茶の湯を現代における状況や事物を用いて再解釈し、表現している。

QR codes, Server system, Tarpaulin, Stickers
9,000(W) x 2,700(H) mm
Artist: The TEA-ROOM (Ryuta Aoki, Souryou Matsumura)
System Design & Dev: Ryuta Aoki (VOLOCITEE)
Server-side Dev: Kokoro Aoki (VOLOCITEE)
Lighting Design: Jiro Endo (SOIHOUSE)
Special Thanks: Shingo Takahashi (MINIMA), Mucha-Kucha
Past Exhibitions
July 24th – Aug. 9th, 2021: Exhibition: Jack into the Noösphere